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October 18th

Future of the packaging industry – top 4 trends 2020 to 2030

Top 4 future packaging trends 2020 2030 enoline
In the next decade, we will see major changes in how we package products and communicate brand stories. Some key trends we will see include : Economic and demographic growth and sustainability, as well as Consumer and Brand owner trends. Each one will have a profound impact on the industry. If you want to see the top 10 packaging trends for 2022 article we made last month click here.

1 - Economic And Demographic Growth

The upcoming decade will grow in the packaging industry as economies worldwide grow faster than ever. Demographic and economic factors drive this growth. Population growth in India and China will outpace China in the coming decade. India is projected to have a population of over 1.5 billion by the end of the decade. Nigeria and Pakistan will also be among the world's 10 most populous nations by 2050.

The demographic dividend is the ability of a country's population to spur economic growth. This process relies on many complex factors, such as the functioning of the labor and capital markets, macroeconomic management, and trade policies. Developing countries with large working-age populations are especially vulnerable to demographic dividends, as their per-capita income is lower than that of advanced economies.

Demographic growth will continue to impact the packaging industry, especially in developing countries. Compared to the past, packaging demand will increase as more people are exposed to new products and packaging innovations. As a result, manufacturers and suppliers will need to invest in new technologies and processes to satisfy the needs of an increasingly diverse demographic.

2 - Sustainability

Packaging can help brands enhance their image and communicate the premium nature of their products. It can also address trends in sustainability, which include the need to reduce packaging, such as the move towards biodegradable packaging and smaller, greener packages.

Consumers today are increasingly interested in packaging that is sustainable and minimizes the impact on the environment. More than half of a recenTrivium survey respondents said they would choose recyclable packaging over non-recyclable ones. As a result, sustainability in packaging will play a crucial role in the upcoming decade.

Many big brands have already begun making the switch to environmentally friendly packaging. For example, Coca-Cola has announced new paperboard solutions for multipack cans in Spain. Nestle recently announced that its confectionary brand Smarties would transition to recyclable paper packaging.

While companies are already making huge commitments to greener packaging, they still need guidance and tools to make the right changes. Some solutions will be easy to implement, while others will require a longer time to fully mature. For example, compostable materials and biopolymers would take longer to market, but they can transform the packaging industry in the long run. Companies also need help advancing the green agenda by forming alliances and coalitions with other companies and governments.

Using earth-friendly packaging is not only a good way to reduce the carbon footprint, but it can also help businesses expand into new markets. Using greener packaging will improve sales and reduce packaging materials costs. Ultimately, sustainability in packaging will play a critical role in the upcoming decade.

Using reusable packaging is an excellent way to reduce waste and cut costs. Many studies have shown substantial reductions in material use by using reusable packaging systems. Research has also shown that reusable packaging is more efficient and saves energy.

Read more about green packaging solutions in our article here.

3 - Consumer Trends

In the upcoming decade, four key consumer trends will play a role in packaging. The first is increasing globalization, accelerating the growth of fast-moving consumer goods and the corresponding packaging. Another key trend will be the growing focus on operational efficiency. Smart tags and RFID labels will be increasingly used to protect against counterfeit goods. Many companies will also try to locate their production closer to the markets.

The next decade is expected to be marked by continued expansion of the global economy, particularly in emerging consumer markets. However, short-term disruptions are possible, especially in the US-China trade war. Meanwhile, global population growth and urbanization are predicted to continue to increase, resulting in higher consumer incomes and a growing middle class. In addition, more consumers will be exposed to new retail channels.

The e-commerce market is growing in popularity, and Amazon is not the only player in this arena. This trend has many benefits for packaging manufacturers. E-commerce packaging follows the same basic principles as real-time shopping - products must be presented and protected in a way that fulfills consumer expectations. Social media will also increase the role of packaging, as consumers are increasingly sharing their unboxing experiences on social media sites. Meanwhile, the environment-friendly movement will continue to be a powerful force.

4 - Brand Owner Trends

In addition to focusing on sustainability and cost control, a few other key trends affect the packaging industry. These include increased regulatory pressure, public pressure, and an increased appetite for innovation. As an example, more brand owners have been switching to non-plastic substrates. While this is a welcome development, it hasn't remained easy to commercialize these trends on a large scale.

The 21st-century consumer is less loyal to one brand and is looking for tailored packaging solutions. Digital printing has been an essential tool, providing a way to personalize packaging. Additionally, higher-throughput printers dedicated to packaging substrates are now being installed. As consumers increasingly turn to social media, packaging is becoming a gateway to new communication channels.

The role of packaging design is becoming more important as consumers become more conscious about their choices. Brands must take advantage of the latest trends and incorporate them into their packaging to ensure success. Consumers want clean, transparent packaging that tells them what's inside. They also want products to be safe. This is why clear, easy-to-understand packaging is so important for promoting brand trust.


The upcoming decade will be a time of change in the packaging industry. With the rise of e-commerce, packaging is facing new challenges and opportunities. Consumers want more sustainable packaging solutions, and brands face increased pressure to respond. As a result, these trends will present opportunities for packaging manufacturers, suppliers, and investors alike.

Here at Enoline, we always keep an eye on the last packaging trends to provide you with top of the end and future proof machines, we have more than 30 years of experience in the packaging industry, contact us now and let us help you find the solution your company needs.

We have the future-ready packaging solution you need !